
National lampoon van wilder nude
National lampoon van wilder nude

national lampoon van wilder nude

Because of his fun-loving lifestyle, he has become something of a star on campus, so much so that people line up to be hired as his "assistant." The guy who gets the job is a horny exchange student from India who is obsessed with sex. (Watching the film, it's obvious that the producers really wanted to cast Jason Lee in this role, because Reynolds blatantly mimics Lee's vocal mannerisms at every turn.) Van is one of those perennial partiers who seems to have sought higher education for the social opportunities rather than the educational ones. Ryan Reynolds (from TV's "Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place") plays Van Wilder, a student in his seventh year at Coolidge College. Ryan Reynolds plays an eternal college student in National Lampoon's Van Wilder It's hard to take National Lampoon's reputation for cutting-edge comedy seriously when they crank out such an unfunny, offensive, by-the-numbers film. In recent years, though, the humor magazine has sponsored straight-to-video bombs like Last Resort (starring Corey Haim and Corey Feldman) and bottom-of-the-barrel theatrical releases like Senior Trip or the current Van Wilder. Once upon a time, the National Lampoon name was attached to good movies like Animal House and the Vacation series. The Aisle Seat - National Lampoon's Van Wilder

National lampoon van wilder nude